Jorgelina E. Araneda
Professional biography
Jorgelina E. Araneda
Ms. Araneda is a board-certified specialist in immigration law, North Carolina State Board of Legal Specialization (2004 – present). Her other qualifications include:
- Appointed to serve on the Immigration Law Specialty Committee of The North Carolina State Bar, Board of Legal Specialization, from 2005-2011.
- Served as an American Immigration Law Association (AILA) Mentor in removal and inadmissibility issues for other U.S. immigration lawyers nationwide.
- AILA Carolinas Chapter American Immigration Council (AIC) Ambassador from 2012 to present.
- Immigration law expert for plaintiff attorneys before the N.C. Industrial Commission litigation cases and federal defense attorneys in federal district criminal court.
- Invited immigration law speaker for various civic and legal organizations, local television and radio programs.
- Mexican Consulate PALE member (attorney adviser) in Raleigh, North Carolina from 2007-13.
- Selected for inclusion in North Carolina Super Lawyers listing for Immigration Law and Top Attorneys in North Carolina each year since 2012.
Published materials
- “Criminal Practice with Immigrant Defendants in the Era of 287(g)” in Trial Briefs, publication of North Carolina Advocates for Justice, October 2009.
- “Inside Immigration, Marlene's Quest: One Woman's Deportation and Triumphant Return” in AILA Immigration Law Today, Vol. 27, No. 1, January–February 2008.
- “Handling Removal Proceedings in Immigration Court“ in AILA Immigration Law Today, Vol. 25, No. 2, March – April 2006.
- “H2B or Not H2B, That is the Crisis,” article in Restaurant Startup and Growth Magazine, May 2005.
- “Immigration Legal Issues for Startups,” article in Restaurant Startup and Growth Magazine, November 2004
- Published case(s): U.S. v. King, 628 F.3d 693 (4th Cir. 2011). Notable case(s): U.S. v. Lara-Salgado, No. 10-4061 (4th Cir. 2013).
Conference presentations and publications
- Immigration law expert in UK’s Corporate LiveWire Round Table: Immigration Law 2013.
- “What U.S. Employers Need to Know About Hiring Foreign Workers,” at Lorman Education Services Seminar for Employment Law Update with article at Raleigh, NC, December 2012.
- Speaker at AILA Carolina Chapter Meeting presentation “Denial and Appeals, Now What?” on Immigration Court Appeals at Charleston, SC, April 2012.
- “Immigration/Deportation” at Federal Criminal Practice Seminar Spring 2008 by Office of the Federal Public Defender, Raleigh, NC, June 2008.
- “Citizenship and Naturalization” by Jorgelina E. Araneda, in North Carolina Bar Association Foundation CLE publication entitled “Basics of Immigration Law,” Raleigh, NC, October 2007 .
- “How to Effectively Document Foreign Worker Employment” by Jorgelina E. Araneda, in National Business Institute publication entitled “Corporate Opportunities and Legal Responsibilities in Hiring Foreign Workers in North Carolina,” Raleigh, NC, June 2005.
- “U.S. Immigration Law Overview” Seminar to the Court Services & Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia, with W. Randall Stroud, Washington, D.C., September 2005 and 2006.
- “Detention of Noncitizens” by Jorgelina Araneda and Jeremy L. McKinney, in North Carolina Bar Association Foundation CLE publication entitled “Basics of Immigration Law,” Raleigh, NC, October 2003.
Present and past professional memberships
- American Bar Association (ABA); American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA); Association of Federal Defense Attorneys (AFDA); International Bar Association (IBA); District of Columbia and North Carolina State Bars; The National Italian American Bar Association (NIABA); Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA); North Carolina Advocates for Justice; North Carolina Bar Association Latino Affairs Committee; Wake County Bar Association, North Carolina; National Association of Professional Women.
Community activities
- Triangle Area Community Orchestra, executive committee and member (violin/viola)
- Durham Arts Guild, member